Nestor, director of “Développement Tout Azimut” supervising the rocket’s ailerons’ cutting at the carpenter workshop. Construction of the Tropotest rocket in the suburbs of Lubumbashi, November 2017.

Keka working on Trophosphère V.

Keka and his team.

Keka’s engineers mounting the second level of the Tropotest rocket

Keka’s engineers welding aluminium milk cans together to build the rocket.

Troposphère III lauch.

Keka’s engineers assembling the Tropotest rocket

Installation of the Tropotest rocket on its launch pad, Lubumbashi’s countryside.

Launching of the Tropotest rocket, November 2017
Launching of the Tropotest rocket, November 2017
President Mobutu during Otrag launch, Zaire 1978
OTRAG launch site today, eastern DR Congo